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    Are You Ready To Be Inspired, Empowered and Encouraged to Live a Healthy, Wealthy Inspired Life? Our books are available in all modes to fit your preference.

    Books are available in Kindle, Audible, Paperback, Hardcover, iTunes

    In this memoir Dr Stem, us of her early childhood growing up in Zimbabwe, formerly, Rhodesia where polygamy is practiced and accepted. She, bravely, paints a vivid picture of the anguish and desperation she, her siblings, and amazing mother, Idah Mahlatini, were forced to tolerate and endure hurt feelings and emotional chaos that resulted from this unwanted practice.

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    Envision a day, just one day, where you could trust more and fear less. Can you imagine your life without fear? Can you imagine living your dream life Free and Fearless? Can you imagine running a successful business Free and Fearless? Well it is all Possible. In this book we walk through the steps to how…

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    Inside of us, we each carry our own unique gifts. Sometimes we try to ignore or deny our talents and abilities. We might think they are “not good enough” or fear being embarrassed or rejected because of them. But the world needs what you have to offer.

    Embodying your gifts and living in your truth provides light for all those around you. Letting your light shine is the gateway to becoming the best version of yourself.

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    The Power of Belief often empowers the highest levels of performance in our personal, professional life, career and business. What you believe drives what you do, and what you do determines what you achieve. When your belief is strong, you perform smarter, better, and with greater resilience. This is true everywhere: business, career. education, and personal relationships.

    Belief creates vision; Belief creates strength of will; Belief creates resilience; and Belief ignites and activates. In this book you will enjoy the ten steps to the power of prayer and belief.

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    Are you seeking better ways to manage your mental health?
    Are you tired of people’s unhelpful advice?

    Despite openness from many, there still exists a stigma around the topic of mental health that prevents many from acknowledging the effects of mental health and potential treatments. The educational information in this book, will help you take back control of your life, gain a deeper insight to who you are and why you feel the way you do, and empower yourself

    From facing your fears to practicing acceptance and self-compassion, Unshakable Self Love & Self Confidence offers practical and effective strategies to help bring out the best version of yourself by boosting self love, and eliminating limiting beliefs. These proven strategies are helpful when learning how to silence the self-critic within and moving into your best life with ease, clarity and freedom.

    As women, we struggle to feel like we’re good enough because we are bombarded daily with messages that whisper, “Who you are is not okay, and what defines you is what other people think and say about you.”
    We live in a world that tells us we have to look a certain way, live a certain lifestyle, have husbands who fit a certain mold, and have children that excel in every area of their lives.
    And rather than thrive in the life we have; we strive to create an existence that impresses others. This book is the First of many steps to creating an existence that empowers and encourages you to Be You. Be Free. Become Unstoppable Free and Fearless.

    Everyone has a purpose. And, according to Oprah Winfrey, “Your real job in life is to figure out as soon as possible what that is, who you are meant to be, and begin to honor your calling in the best way possible.” That journey starts right here. Here is to Finding Your Own True Self.

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    Unstoppable – A woman’s guide to self-confidence is a book that aims to boost your mood, train your mind, and change your life and you will accept and not accept in life.

    In this highly recommended book, you’ll discover HOW to harness the power of positivity, train your mind, and boost your confidence in life, career, relationships and business.

    Happiness is only a few daily habits away . It is your time to live a Healthy, Happy and Wealthy Life
    That is Your Birthright, and this book is a first step.

    This book is about believing it is possible.
    Life can be incredible, but your strategy on how to deal with situations that come your way has to be real. Discover tools to help you build self-confidence for a better life.
    From facing your fears to practicing acceptance and self-compassion, Build Confidence Achieve Success offers practical and effective strategies to help you bring out your best self. Improve self-confidence in all areas of your life to feel fully alive with this top choice in motivational books.

    How would you respond if I asked you the following questions. Are you truly who you want to be? Is this the life you really want? Are you living each day as your best self? What can you change today?
    If you are not sure, not to worry as this book will guide you.
    This book is for you if…
    • You are still paying for mistakes from the past
    • You know you’re not living up to your full potential
    • You are stuck in a job, a relationship, and a life that doesn’t empower you
    • You are ready to turn your life around

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    This is a Must Have Guide For every college student. It gives every student support in every aspect of college transition and life planning with affirmations and prompts to help them address four key pillars of self-love: self-awareness, self-worth, self-respect, and self-care.
    This book will teach every student how to:
    • Survival skills for college
    • Major, Career Choices
    • Recognize and Change negative beliefs
    • Develop Coping skills to get along with their parents and adults
    • Improve self-esteem and self-confidence
    • Stay calm and in control, even in difficult situations
    • Make healthy decisions, achieve goals, and much, much more!

    This is a Must Have Guide For every girl. It gives teen girls support in every aspect of life with affirmations and prompts to help them address four key pillars of self-love: self-awareness, self-worth, self-respect, and self-care.
    This book will teach every girl how to:
    • Recognize and Change negative beliefs
    • Develop Coping skills to get along with their parents and adults
    • Improve self-esteem and self-confidence
    • Stay calm and in control, even in difficult situations
    • Make healthy decisions, achieve goals, and much, much more!

    This essential Bridging The Gap Between Parents & Teenagers Series Guide tackles the tough issues teens and parents face today.
    Filled with straightforward advice and written in DrStem’s trademark, down-to-earth style, it is sure to appeal to parents. It offers both innovative, easy-to-implement suggestions and proven techniques to build the foundation for lasting parent-teen relationships. From curfews, love, school, planning for the future and cliques to sex and drugs, it gives parents the tools to help their children safely navigate the often-stormy years of adolescence.

    Thinking positive and developing a winning mindset is a skill and can be developed. Having the ability to stay positive and develop a winning mindset will help you achieve success in every area of your life! For over twenty years I shared these skills with clients, and I witnessed and truly saw them transform for the better. You too can have all of this and so much more when you read and listen to this book.
    With the right mindset, understanding, and application of the teachings in this book, you will instantly begin to move towards Developing A Winners Mindset, Success Mindset and a Positive Attitude!

    Deja que tu luz brille: Guía para alcanzar el éxito personal y profesional
    ¿Cuántos de nosotros queremos vivir una vida con propósito pero permitimos que el miedo se interponga en el camino? ¿Con qué frecuencia eres rehén de tus propios pensamientos negativos? ¿Con qué frecuencia te autosaboteas por falta de confianza? ¿Con qué frecuencia te encuentras viviendo a la sombra de las expectativas de los demás? ¿Con qué frecuencia disminuyes tus dones porque no crees en tus propias capacidades? ¿Con qué frecuencia limitas tus sueños porque crees que están fuera de tu alcance? Tu vida personal y profesional dependen de tu capacidad de vivir libremente. Esto requiere que tu luz haga algo más que parpadear; ¡debe brillar con fuerza!

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    Este libro te ayuda a poner la oración en perspectiva. Te invita a reconocer el valor de la oración y la serenidad. Es un libro que te anima a dedicarle tiempo a la oración y a utilizar el poder de la oración para ayudarte a florecer y convertirte en la mejor versión de ti misma. Los versículos bíblicos que reconfortan, las citas inspiradoras, los ejercicios que invitan a la reflexión y los consejos prácticos que se desarrollan a lo largo del libro te ayudarán a alcanzar una comprensión más profunda de cómo aprovechar y utilizar las ilimitadas reservas de poder de Dios para crear la vida que siempre has soñado. Y sí. Es un buen recordatorio para todos los que lean este sencillo libro, de que la oración es la raíz de todo lo que quieras hacer en la vida. Es bueno orar primero y planificar después, y ya sabes quién es el responsable de todo lo que uno hace. En este libro encontrarás mucho aliento.

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    Encontrando tu verdadero ser
    Todo el mundo tiene un propósito. Y según Oprah Winfrey, “Tu verdadero trabajo en la vida es averiguar cuanto antes cuál es, quién estás destinado a ser, y empezar a hacer honor a tu vocación de la mejor manera posible”. Ese viaje comienza aquí mismo.

    La Dra. Stem reúne la sabiduría y los conocimientos de sus propias experiencias vitales, animando e inspirando a los lectores y oyentes a considerar lo que deben hacer en el mundo y cómo perseguirlo con pasión y enfoque. En la búsqueda de tu verdadero ser.


    Looking for Co Authors For Bounce Back Book 3- from Struggles to Success.

    Struggles are an inevitable part of life, but they don’t have to define your journey. Every challenge presents an opportunity for growth and transformation. Looking for co -authors with inspiring stories, practical exercises, and expert support, to share with readers who are ready to learn how to turn their struggles into stepping stones toward lasting success.

     Apply today at or email [email protected]

    Bounce Back from Dreams to Reality Turning dreams into reality can often feel like an uphill battle. Whether it’s pursuing a career change, starting a business, or achieving personal goals, the journey is often fraught with challenges and self-doubt. This book is filled with inspiring stories that will help you take the next step to making your own dreams a reality.

    Bounce Back from Setbacks to Comebacks 

    Life is filled with challenges and unexpected obstacles, but it’s how we respond to these setbacks that truly defines us. Transforming adversity into opportunity is not just a skill; it’s an art. This book is a compilation of heartwarming stories, insight and tips to help you navigate life’s hurdles with confidence and emerge even stronger.